E-learning in Library and Information Sciences in Cameroon: skill development , occupational integration and problems of visibility: Case Study.

Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022     |     PP. 33-54      |     PDF (290 K)    |     Pub. Date: January 20, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/education88320    101 Downloads     4744 Views  


Balock Née Ngo Kobhio Louise Lutéine, University of Yaoundé II-Advanced School of Mass Communication, Cameroon

While university-level face-to-face training in Library and Information Sciences dates back to the 1990s in Cameroon, e-learning training is lagging considerably behind in terms of take-off. However, results obtained in this discipline by former e-learning learners concerning skills development, vocational integration, or self-employment are encouraging. The observation of the career path of a promotion of former e-learning learners at the Yaoundé Advanced School of Mass Communication is an example. There is diversity in the professional of the academic profiles of the learners at the time of registration. Their motivations are also multifaceted in relation to the choice of training and show that the skills acquired can be useful regardless of professional status or area of activity.But training in this field in e-learning mode in Cameroon still poses many problems, namely the visibility of the training structure among the public. Some institutions and social groups still need to know the usefulness of having well-trained personnel in Library and Information Sciences. As far as the visibility of training structures is concerned, communication tools such as the mass media are not the only means to prioritise. The sociological characteristics of the cameroonian environment requires face to face. For, it is often a question of convincing some social actors or companies to adopt this mode of training. The study, which is partially based on experience and practice offers tools and means that can provide better visibility to the training structure such as a guide of partnerships and suggestions for setting up networks involving the participation of various actors.

E-learning-Library and Information Sciences-Cameroon-skills development-occupational integration-Perception of e-learning-Visibility.

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Balock Née Ngo Kobhio Louise Lutéine, E-learning in Library and Information Sciences in Cameroon: skill development , occupational integration and problems of visibility: Case Study. , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 33-54. 10.54647/education88320


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