Where The Boys Are, Post Covid-19: Shifting the Special Education and Out-of-School Suspension Narrative for Boys of Color

Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022     |     PP. 1-10      |     PDF (205 K)    |     Pub. Date: January 5, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/education88315    81 Downloads     4723 Views  


Aresta L. Johnson, Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, United States
Kimberly Fitchett-Bazemore, Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, United States

Far too long United States educational systems grappled with the stark disproportionality of boys of color over-identified for special education and the disproportionate rate of school suspensions and arrest. Under President’s Biden’s Covid relief plan, school districts have garnered fiscal support of unimaginable proportions, yet plans to readily address the ills impacting boys of color have yet to be fully developed or discussed in school districts. Post pandemic provides an opportunity for school districts and communities to galvanize their collective efforts to re-examine the disproportionality which continues to exist amongst boys in color identified for special education services.

special education, boys of color, individualized education plan; out-of-school suspension

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Aresta L. Johnson, Kimberly Fitchett-Bazemore, Where The Boys Are, Post Covid-19: Shifting the Special Education and Out-of-School Suspension Narrative for Boys of Color , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 1-10. 10.54647/education88315


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