SCIREA Journal of Economics (ISSN: 2995-3863)

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Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024

Open Access
Jingyi Zhang
Abstract: The global 2008-2009 financial crisis played a significant role in global financial history. Analyzing it is of vital importance to prevent such a crisis from happening again. The paper is based on the global financial crisis and aims to analyze its origins, patterns, consequences and policy responses. The paper consists of
Abstract       References PDF (183 k) 35 Downloads     2923 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790461

Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2024

Open Access
Derik Pierre Sakatai, Yakouba Oumarou
Abstract: In order to enhance and improve the production of underutilized crops, a collection of the various tigernut accessions was carried out in the Kapsiki and Mafa production area of the Mayo-Tsanaga department. However, the lack of knowledge about the plant material used in the cultivation of tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.) is
Abstract       References PDF (1688 k) 30 Downloads     2591 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790457
Open Access
Sanjay Bhasin, Alessandro Laureani
Abstract: Purpose: The overriding objective of this investigation is creating and deploying a new Lean longevity matrix, to enable organisations to reliably gauge the juncture of leanness achieved, steps necessary to move towards the next level and where dedicated resources are necessary. This was achieved by presenting and piloting
Abstract       References PDF (827 k) 28 Downloads     2602 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790459

Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2024

Open Access
Tatyana Odintsova
Abstract: For sustainability, the transparent information environment is exceptionally substantial. One of the most common global practices that allows us to achieve this goal has become corporative ESG-reporting. The existence of numerous sustainable reporting and ESG-rating systems complicates the process of its harmonization, but
Abstract       References PDF (692 k) 35 Downloads     208488 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790433
Open Access
Sekinat A. Kola-Aderoju, Thaddeus T. Ityonzughul
Abstract: This article examines the economic benefits of Ibadan Central Abattoir (ICA), Amosun between 2009 and 2021. It argues that abattoir is a global industry that has attracted the attention of scholars the world over. However, these academic inquiries are not historical in nature and also neglected the positive aspects of the a
Abstract       References PDF (240 k) 29 Downloads     18053 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790437

Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2023

Open Access
Nesrine Dardouri, Mounir Smida
Abstract: This work examines the main determinants of tax evasion within publicly traded companies. The literature review indicates that there are several practices used by Tunisian companies to eliminate their tax obligations, including group size, profitability, intangible assets and debts. Thus, this study aims to obtain empirical
Abstract       References PDF (1202 k) 31 Downloads     171770 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790430

Volume 8, Issue 5, October 2023

Open Access
Sikandar Siddiqui
Abstract: Central banks have the ability to provide commercial banks in their currency area with liquid funds at very low costs when needed. This enables them to intervene in the financial sector to stabilise it during crisis situations. However, if the liquidity shortages in the commercial banking sector are merely symptoms of a dee
Abstract       References PDF (246 k) 75 Downloads     171847 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790420
Open Access
Yude Xu, Xuan Meng, Jianmin Liu
Abstract: We take China A-share listed companies from 2006 to 2020 as samples to empirically test the mechanism that information infrastructure and market-based environmental regulation affect high-quality green innovation of enterprises.We find that the information infrastructure significantly promotes high-quality green innovation
Abstract       References PDF (1292 k) 60 Downloads     171762 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790424

Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023

Open Access
Fan He, Fanchen Meng, Shang Gao
Abstract: Acquiring and absorbing advanced knowledge of overseas subsidiaries of developed countries is an important task for Chinese enterprises in the stage of cross-border merge and integration. In the process of knowledge transfer, there exist so many problems, such as the quantity and value of knowledge transfer is lower than ex
Abstract       References PDF (324 k) 95 Downloads     160764 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790411

Volume 8, Issue 3, June 2023

Open Access
Hongyi Sun
Abstract: In order to solve the problem that China's agricultural trade prospects in the "the Belt and Road economic belt" are unclear, this paper proposes a prediction system based on the stochastic frontier gravity model.This process examines the current situation of agricultural industry and the change of economic structure in Chi
Abstract       References PDF (2400 k) 100 Downloads     160911 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790388

Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023

Open Access
José Luis Luna Agudelo
Abstract: In 2020, a global pandemic was declared due to a dangerous disease called COVID-19. To avoid contagion and the saturation of the health system, lockdowns were carried out, interrupting general economic activity, bringing definitive closures of commercial establishments, and sudden job losses. The only way to overcome this s
Abstract       References PDF (805 k) 64 Downloads     160663 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790374
Open Access
Hongyi Sun
Abstract: In order to investigate the coupling coordination relationship between urban economic upgrading and labor employment, a computational model based on GTAP is proposed in the research. The main content is that based on the basic principle of GTAP model, the sum calculation of regions and departments is selected, the time cost
Abstract       References PDF (1414 k) 100 Downloads     160698 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790383

Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2023

Open Access
Andrews Yao Dumevi
Abstract: Purpose – Ghana has consistently been ranked among the ten fastest-growing African economies since 2017, but in 2020, falling oil prices and the COVID-19 pandemic plunged the country into economic recession. The objective of this study is to measure the heterogeneous effects of the COVID 19 crisis, through the prism
Abstract       References PDF (392 k) 111 Downloads     4868 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79350
Open Access
Andrews Yao Dumevi
Abstract: Purpose – This paper highlights the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the performance of employees and the changes that have taken place in their traditional way of working. The crisis due to Covid-19 and its consequences have shaped the daily lives of employees for almost two years. There have been many impacts of
Abstract       References PDF (364 k) 78 Downloads     4689 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79351
Open Access
Oleksandra Palenychak
Abstract: The article examines the organizational and economic prerequisites and prospects for the formation of ecologically oriented entrepreneurship in the Carpathian region in the conditions of martial law and post-war economic recovery. In view of the strategically importance of ecologically oriented entrepreneurial activity in t
Abstract       References PDF (243 k) 74 Downloads     4677 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790359
Open Access
Aitaa Sam Kilimvi, Joana Nshyira Owusu-Antwi
Abstract: World Health Organization (WHO) potentiates the goal of occupational health and safety as protecting employees' mental, bodily, and social health while they are working. Using Toyota Tsusho Corporation as a case study, this study aimed at examining the impact of occupational health and safety measures on employee commitment
Abstract       References PDF (802 k) 92 Downloads     147872 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790361
Open Access
Aitaa Sam Kilimvi
Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) around the world contribute to the growth of economies and promote employment, equitable income distribution and better living standards The research therefore was intended to evaluate the contribution of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the agribusiness sector on the econ
Abstract       References PDF (402 k) 91 Downloads     160915 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics790367

Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2022

Open Access
Nagah Abdul Alim Abdul Wahab Abul Fotouh
Abstract: It is well known that voluntary individual saving plays an important role in the capitalist economic system and, in our opinion, plays a more critical role in the Islamic economy. The exclusion of interest on monetary capital raises doubts about the ability of the Islamic economy to achieve a sufficient amount of saving and
Abstract       References PDF (210 k) 94 Downloads     4745 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79346

Volume 7, Issue 4, August 2022

Open Access
Lu Bai, Qian Lin, Minghui Yang, Sihan Lin
Abstract: This paper aims to find disclosure differences in carbon accounting information for companies operate in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Based on the study of companies in service sectors, we find companies in Guangdong may vary disclosure format by year and are more likely to show their effort in respondi
Abstract       References PDF (1244 k) 65 Downloads     4657 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79323
Open Access
Nicolas PILUSO
Abstract: The article attempts to analyze the effects of an investment in safety of the production process on the dynamics of the distributed dividends. The aim is to answer the question of whether a risky industry has an incentive to invest in safety independently of the decrease in the probability of accidents generated by the safe
Abstract       References PDF (350 k) 79 Downloads     4589 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79325
Open Access
Ourania Dimitraki
Abstract: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has dramatically changed the world as we knew it. Although it is still unclear how the economic landscape post COVID-19 and recovery from ‘the great lockdown’ will look like, the pandemic has affected societies and economies in their core: global GDP shrank approximately 3% i
Abstract       References PDF (858 k) 94 Downloads     4803 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79326

Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2022

Open Access
Shi-ming TANG, Cheng-sheng XU, Lei YE, Wen-wei FANG, Xue BAI, Jia-mei JIN, Jun-feng WANG, Bing-jun JIANG, Fang-miao SHI, Si-lun GU, Xin-xin DING, Qi CHEN, Lin ZHANG, Cai-hong LI, Xia-ying CHEN
Abstract: Zhejiang holds hands with the Baltic Sea with its achievements in Green Economy including Waste-free city, construction of "no-waste wharf", Smart supervision and full coverage of "targeting", Hydrogen technology, "Scientific greening" and pilot construction for carbon sequestration and increase in sinks while Circum-Baltic
Abstract       References PDF (205 k) 76 Downloads     4807 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79302
Open Access
Aurelia Ilieș
Abstract: Culture is often defined as the programming of the mind, a personal choice, a collective mindset or a collection of patterns for behaviour. Through this study we highlighted some of the contributions made by Montesquieu, Smith and Weber on two main aspects of culture: norms and morality, focusing on defining these terms in
Abstract       References PDF (221 k) 85 Downloads     4483 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79321

Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2022

Open Access
Meng-jiao Yan
Abstract: With the continuous improvement of China’s economic level, the effective transformation of economic growth mode has been realized. In the new economic growth mode has been rapidly developed, further active economic trade, to promote economic prosperity has a certain role. This paper will analyze e-commerce under the new eco
Abstract       References PDF (169 k) 82 Downloads     4810 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79301
Open Access
Doukoure Charles FE
Abstract: This paper aims to analyse the effect of gender parity in education on per capita income in West Africa. We set a theoretical function in which seeking gender parity increase total factor productivity with a specific bonus on labour contribution in GDP per capita. We use a panel of 13 countries, considering secondary and te
Abstract       References PDF (2042 k) 71 Downloads     5007 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79285

Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022

Open Access
Jian-Qiang Wang, Chen-Xi Wang, Jian-Guo Wang, HRSCNP Research Team
Abstract: As a rising star of cryptocurrency, Pi is characterized by openness and innovation. This feature enables Pi to obtain the best strategy and achieve the greatest success. Now, before Mainnet, this paper adds another fire to make it up to a next level by innovation. The first strategy is skillfully solving the problem about e
Abstract       References PDF (754 k) 212 Downloads     67821 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79288
Open Access
Poorna Pal, Sarkis Khoury
Abstract: We examine here the global implications of Afghanistan's new economic and socio-political realities as an Islamic emirate. The risk management involved here not as much one of managing a simple economic and financial risk as of having to examine whether the rest of the world should merely watch how the current situation evo
Abstract       References PDF (934 k) 92 Downloads     4812 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79282

Volume 6, Issue 5, October 2021

Open Access
Jayadevan CM
Abstract: This paper attempts to identify the impact of food wastage on economic growth using the data for 165 countries over the 2014-2018 period. With the help of ordinary least squares (OLS) and generalized linear model (GLM), the study shows that food wastage and poverty impact GDP growth negatively. Poverty and food wastage are
Abstract       References PDF (511 k) 74 Downloads     5073 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79265
Open Access
Marija Obradović, Nada Novaković
Abstract: In this paper, we provide the first evidence of a link between the policies of privatization and population decline in Eastern Europe. The globalization context is an opportune setting to investigate this link. Privatization is an integral element of transition, a part of globalization, conceptualized and managed by the Wo
Abstract       References PDF (741 k) 101 Downloads     5222 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79262

Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2021

Open Access
Jie Wu, Zili Wu
Abstract: Based on the axiomatic assumptions that the law of diminishing marginal utility, non-satiation assumption and social choice assumption based on personal preference, Arrow and Debreu study general equilibrium problems whose scope of research only involves the quantity, utility and price of commodities. Therefore, the conclus
Abstract       References PDF (616 k) 93 Downloads     5011 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79260

Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2021

Open Access
Le Thai Phong, Nguyen Thu Thuy, Nguyen Thi Hanh, Vu Thi Kim Oanh, Dang Kim Thinh
Abstract: Knowledge is infinity that no matter how much a person learns, it will never be enough. However, it is through lifelong learning, a human can acquire the valuable asset of knowledge. This paper explores the role of university-business linkage in fostering the lifelong learning of the community. By collecting data through su
Abstract       References PDF (257 k) 68 Downloads     5110 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79256

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2021

Open Access
Huan Liu
Abstract: Background
In China, income inequality has been growing substantially over the last 40 years, especially after21st century.
By utilizing the inequality of consumption and social welfare, according to the differences in the composition of household consumption, medical consumption is used a
Abstract       References PDF (342 k) 113 Downloads     5223 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79224

Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2021

Open Access
A. Konstantoglou, T. Fotiadis, D. Folinas
Abstract: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from March to June 2019 of identifying and evaluating packaging elements of food products. A sample of 1,219 customers (657 women – 562 men) participated in the study. Based on a review of existing research, a pool of 43 packaging elements for food products was developed, aiming to exa
Abstract       References PDF (1468 k) 197 Downloads     5572 Views     DOI: 10.54647/economics79202

Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020

Open Access
Zainal Arifin, Ibrahim Daud, Yanuar Bachtiar, Muhammad Maladi, Dini Rusqiati, Lydia Goenadhi, Rosnalisa Z
Abstract: The development of a company depends on the experience and learning of existing managers, because they are holding the capabilities of the organization. Managerial ability depends on more than just cognition; it also requires an understanding of human emotions, and the non-cognitive processes that develop and enable strateg
Abstract       References PDF (336 k) 227 Downloads     5234 Views     DOI:

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2020

Open Access
Alfred, M., Sivarajasingham, S.
Abstract: Long memory of stock price return has not received its due attention from researchers in Sri Lanka. This study employs fractional integration approach to explain the behavior of stock price return of All Share Price Index (ASPI) in Sri Lanka. The study covers the period from January 02, 1985 to September 28, 2018, consisti
Abstract       References PDF (923 k) 192 Downloads     5389 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2019

Open Access
Xiong Chen, Jia Liu, Xi Wang, Jingping Mu, Chunqi Ai
Abstract: The impact of Chinese new rural cooperative medical policy which has been implemented for nearly forty years on rural hierarchical diagnosis and treatment has been stated generally through existing related reports in the Paper. It is found that the policy cannot promote implementation of county-township-village diagnosis an
Abstract       References PDF (206 k) 210 Downloads     5973 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2019

Open Access
Rémi Guillet
Abstract: Abstract - After what has been Western development since the industrial era and especially since the extension of global exchanges, more and more reasons demand a radical change in our vision of what must be now considered as a good economy [*]A recommendable economy must be able to produce balanced employment and consumpti
Abstract       References PDF (199 k) 221 Downloads     5974 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019

Open Access
Wang Shu-feng, Ding Yang
Abstract: Combined with the border provinces economic and trade development is particularly urgent requirement to build regional free trade zone border, by analogy analysis, judgment and reasoning methods, analysis of Heilongjiang Province erc border provinces trade development problems and cause, tax policy and the characteristics o
Abstract       References PDF (177 k) 243 Downloads     6138 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2019

Open Access
Peres M., C. J., Antão, M. A.
Abstract: Over the years, economy’s cyclicality and the Disaster Myopia problem, which, according to Vasconcelos (2017), Cornand and Gimet (2012, p. 301) consists of an excessive optimism about market conditions whereby economic agents tend to underestimate risk, have repeatedly brought to the forefront the harmful effects of “bankru
Abstract       References PDF (270 k) 320 Downloads     6752 Views     DOI:

Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2018

Open Access
Professor Hamza Khalilov
Abstract: This analysis empirically investigates long-term impact of oil boom on the dynamics of economic growth in Azerbaijan for the post-Soviet period. Although that, oil boom allowed the government maintain macroeconomic stability and positive GDP growth in cases of falls of hydrocarbon production, through having access to large-
Abstract       References PDF (720 k) 406 Downloads     7170 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Bil Mariana, Stepura Tetiana
Abstract: The article draws attention to the peculiarities of mutual influence of human development processes, development of human potential and population mobility. International ratings of Ukraine were assessed in terms of human development indicators since independence. The relationship between human development index, GDP per ca
Abstract       References PDF (320 k) 268 Downloads     7224 Views     DOI:

Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017

Open Access
Abstract: Some select socio–economic variables of solid waste generation and management were investigated in the entire 20 wards of Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. This was done in order to gauge the effects of socio-economic factors such as income, size of the family, employment status, educational qualification, pa
Abstract       References PDF (551 k) 303 Downloads     7008 Views     DOI:

Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2016

Open Access
Lam Weng Siew, Lam Weng Hoe
Abstract: Index tracking is a form of portfolio management in stock market investment. Index tracking aims to track the performance of the stock market index without purchasing all the stocks that make up the market index in order to achieve rate of return similar to the market return. This objective can be achieved by determining an
Abstract       References PDF (182 k) 376 Downloads     6894 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Mahmoud Salari
Abstract: Financial anomalies are related to investors' ability to analyze financial statements and expected firms’ prices. A firm’s size is one of the main characteristics of each firm. This study shows investors of large firms respond quickly on the event day, while investors of smaller ones delay to response to new information. Th
Abstract       References PDF (537 k) 316 Downloads     6800 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Chidi U. Ubani, Adeniyi M. Yusuff, Olusegun Adeteji Okutimiren, Ekanem Edem Udo Udo
Abstract: For the past three decades, oil has been a major source of revenue and energy for the Nigerian economy. Nigeria’s huge oil revenue has not satisfactorily impacted on the living conditions on majority of Nigerians. The “paradox of plenty” lends support to the “resource curse” doctrine that abundant natural resource endowment
Abstract       References PDF (300 k) 316 Downloads     7114 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Hejie ZHANG, Yaojun YANG
Abstract: Recent years have witnessed increasingly heavy pressure for China’s economy to recede which is an anxious phenomenon for global economists and statesmen. The paper has shed new light on that, firstly, it was the abnormal supernal macro tax burden that impeded equilibrium development of China’s economy, which further more ma
Abstract       References PDF (335 k) 347 Downloads     7032 Views     DOI:

Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016

Open Access
Pryiatelchuk Olena
Abstract: The article is a study of corporate social and environmental responsibility as factors for sustainable development in today's business, obtaining systematic information on theoretical approaches and practices for its implementation today, the definition of the basis of the problems and prospects of corporate environmental r
Abstract       References PDF (222 k) 427 Downloads     6805 Views     DOI: