Universal Health Coverage in Somalia: Charting the Path to Equitable Healthcare Financing and Governance

Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2023     |     PP. 14-24      |     PDF (134 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 18, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/pmh330306    96 Downloads     113314 Views  


Abdulrazaq Yusuf Ahmed, Demartino Public Hospital , Ministry of Health Somalia, Somalia

Somalia is a country facing numerous challenges in achieving universal health coverage (UHC) and ensuring adequate healthcare financing , This article explores the complexities and obstacles that Somalia must overcome in its pursuit of UHC, the paper begins by providing an overview of the current healthcare landscape in Somalia, highlighting the lack of infrastructure, political instability, and limited financial resources that hinder the establishment of a comprehensive and equitable healthcare system. It then examines the role of international aid and non-governmental organization (NGOs) in filling the healthcare gap, while emphasizing the need for a more sustainable, domestically financed solution. Drawing on a range of data sources and case studies, the article proposes a multi-faceted approach to strengthen healthcare governance, improve resource allocation, and foster local capacity building, the study delves into the unique obstacles that Somalia faces, including a lack of infrastructure, political instability, and limited financial resources, which hinder the establishment of a comprehensive and equitable healthcare system.The paper also examines the role of international aid and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in filling the healthcare gap, while highlighting the need for a more sustainable, domestically financed solution.The findings underscore the importance of political commitment, international cooperation, and innovative financing mechanisms in advancing towards UHC in Somalia, providing valuable insights for other low resource, conflict affected settings.

Universal Health coverage Somalia, Healthcare finance, Health economics, governance and Health systems, Health insurance, Leadership and management capabilities, Regulations

Cite this paper
Abdulrazaq Yusuf Ahmed, Universal Health Coverage in Somalia: Charting the Path to Equitable Healthcare Financing and Governance , SCIREA Journal of Health. Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2023 | PP. 14-24. 10.54647/pmh330306


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