GeoGebra Geometry Software Evaluation Case Study Using the MUSA Mathematical Model

Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023     |     PP. 107-129      |     PDF (1616 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 18, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/mathematics110425    74 Downloads     162689 Views  


Nikolaos Manikaros, PhD Candidate University of the Aegean, Faculty of Humanities, Pedagogical Department of Primary Education,Greece
Evgenios Avgerinos, Professor, University of the Aegean, Faculty of Humanities, Pedagogical Department of Primary Education, Greece
Roza Vlachou, Dr, University of the Aegean, Faculty of Humanities, Pedagogical Department of Primary Education,Greece

In this work and in the context of the preparation of the Doctoral Dissertation on the subject "Study of Mathematical Modeling for Creation and Mining of Knowledge with the aim of producing new Evaluation Models - Certification of Resource Management Criteria with the help of IT, conducting a Comparative Study and Application for the Cases: a) In Education Organizations and b) In Self-Government Organizations” will be presented part of the research conducted with a questionnaire sent to 50 respondents, who rated the criteria of the GeoGebra educational Geometry Software. results were entered into the advanced MUSA Mathematical Model, where the criteria-variables were evaluated by drawing conclusions and improvement actions.

Evaluation Model, MUSA, GeoGebra.

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Nikolaos Manikaros, Evgenios Avgerinos, Roza Vlachou, GeoGebra Geometry Software Evaluation Case Study Using the MUSA Mathematical Model , SCIREA Journal of Mathematics. Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023 | PP. 107-129. 10.54647/mathematics110425


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