Contribution to the Calopteryx-forms of the Peloponnesus (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023     |     PP. 99-117      |     PDF (2054 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 28, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/biology180295    78 Downloads     206318 Views  


Matthias Hartung, Berlin, Germany

Forty-four specimens of the Calopteryx splendens/ balcanica complex of the Peloponnesus and adjacent areas have been found and were analyzed by different methods. The aim of this study is to characterize a Calopteryx form with broad wings found 1979 in the Peloponnesus. The length and width of the fore wings of all found specimens were measured. A resulting quotient was used in our analysis. This analysis recovered two principal groups of Calopteryx, one mainly from the Southern Peloponnesus and one with specimens of Calopteryx balcanica from other locations in Greece and other Calopteryx species from other countries North, West and East of Greece. Some other structures of the wings have also been analyzed. Calopteryx specimens from Southern Peloponnesus have broad fore wings; and in some areas of the wings typical structures may be observed. The status of the Calopteryx form from the Southern Peloponnesus is discussed. The results lead to the conclusion, that the specimens from the South of the Peloponnesus may be an atavistic population of C. balcanica resulting from glacial periods. The Northern forms of C. balcanica may be influenced by other forms of Calopteryx. The Northern form was named C. balcanica by Fudakowski (1930) from Bosnia and Herzegowina. The status of this Calopteryx form of the Southern Peloponnesus should be further investigated.

Calopteryx splendens/ balcanica, Southern Peloponnesus, Greece, River Eurotas, cluster analysis, wing size

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Matthias Hartung, Contribution to the Calopteryx-forms of the Peloponnesus (Odonata: Calopterygidae) , SCIREA Journal of Biology. Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023 | PP. 99-117. 10.54647/biology180295


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