Ultrasonic technology of detection of gravitational waves of neutron stars - pulsars

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2023     |     PP. 12-28      |     PDF (686 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 25, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/astronomy160044    86 Downloads     87154 Views  


Chernobay Ivan Alesandrovich, Institute of Applied Physical Problems named after A. N. Sevchenko of the Belarusian State University, Kurchatova str., 7, city Minsk, Republic of Belarus

The work relates to the creation of new methods and instruments for observational astronomy, in particular to gravitational astrophysics. The ultrasonic gravitational method for obtaining information about such exotic objects as neutron pulsar stars has been developed and successfully tested. Gravitational waves are detected by isolated and processed ultrasonic signals propagating in acoustically transparent media. With the help of the developed equipment, it is possible to observe in the gravitational range any star out of many millions of actually detected neutron pulsar stars. The operation of the equipment allows measurements to confirm the stationarity and high stability of the gravitational frequency of a selected neutron star pulsar. The precessions of most neutron pulsars are detected in real time while confirming the high stability of their precession frequencies. Gravitational-wave glitches of some neutron pulsars have been detected, namely, unsteady variations of the frequency and amplitude of their gravitational oscillations, with amplitude increases of individual pulsars up to hundreds or thousands of times when their frequency changes by a small fraction of a percent. The equipment makes it possible to selectively isolate and listen to the selected neutron star-pulsar in the audio frequency range. The importance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of abandoning the expensive projects of creating gravitational observatories based on laser-interferometric methods of observation.

the equipment, neutron stars pulsars, detecting gravitational waves

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Chernobay Ivan Alesandrovich, Ultrasonic technology of detection of gravitational waves of neutron stars - pulsars , SCIREA Journal of Astronomy. Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2023 | PP. 12-28. 10.54647/astronomy160044


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