Recruiting Technology and Social Media: The Digital Social Media in Service of Arab Youth during the 'Arab Spring'

Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2023     |     PP. 158-188      |     PDF (344 K)    |     Pub. Date: May 23, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/sociology841062    99 Downloads     4284 Views  


Kamal Hasan Mo'ed, The Open University & Sakhnin Academic Collage for Teacher Training, Arraba, western Gallile. Israel
Jamal Adawi,, Sakhnin Academic Collage for Teacher Training, Western Gallile, Israel

In recent decades, social movements around the world have worked to advance social and political causes, including struggles against tyranny, governmental corruption, police brutality, struggles for changing gender norms, reduce economic inequality and increase awareness of the climate crisis. Digital tools have helped young activists give voice to their political activities by helping articulate a given action’s goals, recruiting participants, and increasing public support. This article analyzes young Arab people’s role in the Arab Spring through their extensive use of social media. The core question of this article is whether and how Arab youth used social media to influence the spread of the Arab Spring and contribute to its success. The article’s main argument is that the Arab Spring is an important example of young people’s successful use of digital tools to amplify social and political activity, including actions that eventually led to the fall of Arab dictatorships.

Arab spring, Social media, Digital tools, Arab youth, recruiting digital media.

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Kamal Hasan Mo'ed, Jamal Adawi,, Recruiting Technology and Social Media: The Digital Social Media in Service of Arab Youth during the 'Arab Spring' , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2023 | PP. 158-188. 10.54647/sociology841062


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