Red wine and Resveratrol, their effect on human health

Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2023     |     PP. 45-96      |     PDF (773 K)    |     Pub. Date: February 12, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/agriculture210323    103 Downloads     150341 Views  


Karampatea Aikaterini, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Oenology, International Hellenic University, 66100 Drama, Greece; Oenopolis, Oenological Laboratory, 66100 Drama, Greece
Konstantinidou Parthena, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Oenology, International Hellenic University, 66100 Drama, Greece

Based on several in vitro and in vivo studies, it appears that a certain amount of daily consumption of wine can prevent to some degree various chronic diseases. This is mainly due to the presence and number of important antioxidants in red wine. Wine polyphenols, especially resveratrol, anthocyanins and catechins, are the most effective antioxidants in wine. Resveratrol is thought to help prevent cardiovascular disease by neutralizing free radicals but also protecting the nervous system and other organs. The term "French Paradox" is used to describe the relatively low incidence of cardiovascular disease in the French population despite the high consumption of fats. However, in the case of heavy wine consumption, ethanol limits the benefits of the action of polyphenols in wine. From the literature review it appears that the combined- synergistic effect of wine phenols is superior to their individual action. Resveratrol requires red wine polyphenols for optimal antioxidant activity. Research has shown some positive effects, but several more studies are needed to draw safe conclusions as not many clinical trials have been performed in humans. Advances in technology have enabled new techniques to recover the valuable ingredients of red wine from by-products of vinification for their use in pharmacy and cosmetology. Consumers are now looking for natural products to enhance their health and beauty. The uses of wine ingredients give new perspectives for their utilization in the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetology.

Red Wine, Resveratrol, Polyphenols, French paradox, Free radicals, Antioxidants, Alzheimer ’s disease

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Karampatea Aikaterini, Konstantinidou Parthena, Red wine and Resveratrol, their effect on human health , SCIREA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2023 | PP. 45-96. 10.54647/agriculture210323


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