Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2022     |     PP. 82-92      |     PDF (176 K)    |     Pub. Date: December 11, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/geosciences17223    82 Downloads     84254 Views  


Yves Guermond, CNRS Unit IDEES. University of ROUEN, France

Beyond the military, economic and political consequences on the whole of Europe, the brutal arrival in 2022 of the Ukrainian conflict has profoundly modified Western social thinking on a level that risks being prolonged in time. The 19th and 20th centuries had been a period of development of nationalism conceived as synonymous with citizenship. This period ended with the two world wars and the Cold War. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 seemed to open a window of freedom of thought, which was translated by an evolution of the conceptions of citizenship through numerous works impregnated with the thought of Jùrgen Habermas. In these conceptions, citizenship was then defined as an attachment to a democratic society and a will to maintain it. This period is now in danger of being forgotten in favor of a return of nationalisms and the abandonment of a reflection on the organization of a world space where different forms of citizenship could coexist. Under what forms can new spatial organizations be imagined amid nationalisms?

Citizenship, Habermas, Imperialism, Berlin Wall, Nationalism, Universalism

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Yves Guermond, DID UKRAINIAN WAR SPELLED THE END OF UNIVERSALISM? , SCIREA Journal of Geosciences. Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2022 | PP. 82-92. 10.54647/geosciences17223


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