The evolution of the family in the contemporary society: the case of Albania

Volume 6, Issue 5, October 2022     |     PP. 65-81      |     PDF (223 K)    |     Pub. Date: December 4, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/sociology33240    80 Downloads     4910 Views  


Dr. Juventina Ngjela, Albanian University, Tirana
MSc. Irena Xhaferri, Sapienza University of Rome
Dr. Natalja Qana, Luarasi University, Tirana
MSc. Jonida Hyka, Lecturer at Albanian University, Tirana
Suada Hawa, LOGOS University College
Dr. Edvaldo Begotaraj, LOGOS University College

The study of the family constitutes one of the most important fields of sociology. Everyone in all societies grows up in a family environment and marriage is a very widespread social institution. The structure of the family has changed throughout the world, affecting aspects of behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and relationships. The study focuses on comparing today's family life with those of earlier periods and aims to highlight the eventual changes Albanian family has been through over the years. Nowadays there is a tendency towards free choice of spouse, mainly due to the influence of western ideas that emphasize individualization and love in the family. Women's rights are increasingly recognized in relation to the choice of marriage as well as in decision-making and their contribution within the family.
A special importance has been paid to the expansion of children's rights in our country as well. The legal framework is important for the protection of their rights. In addition to the positive aspects and the constant efforts of family members for a dynamic life and with increased well-being, the family often encounters problematic aspects as well; which leads its members to despair and create feelings of anxiety or guilt. Lately, the Albanian society is facing the contemporary tendencies of the family, which require enough time to be accepted by the society.

family, family evolution, problematic aspects, legal rights, contemporary trends.

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Dr. Juventina Ngjela, MSc. Irena Xhaferri, Dr. Natalja Qana, MSc. Jonida Hyka, Suada Hawa, Dr. Edvaldo Begotaraj, The evolution of the family in the contemporary society: the case of Albania , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 6, Issue 5, October 2022 | PP. 65-81. 10.54647/sociology33240


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