Regeneration by Design: Leveraging social narratives, to help create improved and sustainable lifestyles

Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2022     |     PP. 15-61      |     PDF (2065 K)    |     Pub. Date: February 12, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/isss12194    71 Downloads     5264 Views  


Chris D Beaumont, Institute for Future Initiatives, LifeStylebyDesign, The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 
Darrell Berry, Significance Systems, Brighton, UK
John Ricketts, Significance Systems, Sydney NSW 2069, Australia.

The social systems of many countries are under stress due to longevity and low birth rates. Healthcare has evolved from a treatment orientation to a prophylactic stance. Therefore, greater consideration must be given to lifestyle behaviour and life satisfaction. This has been recently further deepened by the COVID-19 pandemic which necessitated many changes in daily life and moved health, in the broadest sense, to the top of the agenda.
This paper tracks key lifestyle narratives since June 2019, comparing Japan and the UK, through to December 2021. It provides a Virtual Living Lab monitoring what people think and feel is important during a period of unparalleled change. It demonstrates how state-of-the-art communications science, leveraging AI and Big Data, can ‘engage with engagement’ and communicate in a relevant and credible manner. During a period of volatility and uncertainty, it is especially important to understand the context for Strategic Leadership Narratives to credibly effect change in attitudes and behaviour. Similarly, leveraging existing narratives can intentionally enhance the diffusion of new ideas and behaviours.

Lifestyle, Empowerment, Context, Optimistic, Quality of Life (QOL), Regeneration, Technology, Big Data, AI, Design thinking, Informed Choice, Diffusion of Innovation, Strategic Leadership Narratives, Engagement, Sustainable Age, Multi-disciplinary, Social innovation, Policy, Purpose

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Chris D Beaumont, Darrell Berry, John Ricketts, Regeneration by Design: Leveraging social narratives, to help create improved and sustainable lifestyles , SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science. Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 15-61. 10.54647/isss12194


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