Outcome of COVID 19 in hemodialysis patients: single center experience

Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2021     |     PP. 750-757      |     PDF (154 K)    |     Pub. Date: December 28, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/cm32745    84 Downloads     4324 Views  


Salwa Mahmoud Elwasif, Nephrology and renal transplantation unit, Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Egypt
Mohamed Osama Megahed, Nephrology and renal transplantation unit, Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Egypt
Muhammed Ahmed Elhadedy, Nephrology and renal transplantation unit, Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Egypt
Ahmed Farouk Donia, Nephrology and renal transplantation unit, Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Egypt
Aymen Fathi Refaie, Nephrology and renal transplantation unit, Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Egypt

Background: Generally end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients are more prone to infection, especially patients maintained on Hemodialysis because of frequent attendance to hemodialysis units. Due to their impaired immune response, patients with ESRD are more likely to develop severe complications of any infectious disease.
Objectives: to study and analyze all available patients´ data and find out the correctable predictors for mortality to overcome them.
Patients and methods: Our study is a retrospective cohort one, done in urology and nephrology center, Mansoura University, Egypt. We have ninety-eight patients scheduled for hemodialysis; most of them have three sessions per week.
We studied the outcome of COVID-19 in ESKD patients receiving hemodialysis as regard their fate. Patients´ Data during infection were tabulated and analyzed searching for significant predictors for fruitful outcome.
Results: Before COVID pandemic, we had ninety eight patients receiving hemodialysis service in our out-patient clinic. From whom, there were seventeen cases (17.3%) developed SARS-COV disease. Six of them (6.12%) lost their life due to sever complications. Old age, diabetes mellitus, low flux dialyzer and interdialytic weights gain more than 3 liters are predictors for mortality.
Conclusion: Patients´ compliance for Intradialytic weights gain, high flux dialyzer, restricts control of blood sugar and treatments of comorbidities are essential for better outcome of COVID among hemodialysis patients.

COVID-19, hemodialysis, outcome

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Salwa Mahmoud Elwasif, Mohamed Osama Megahed, Muhammed Ahmed Elhadedy, Ahmed Farouk Donia, Aymen Fathi Refaie, Outcome of COVID 19 in hemodialysis patients: single center experience , SCIREA Journal of Clinical Medicine. Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2021 | PP. 750-757. 10.54647/cm32745


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