Utilization of Waste Heat And CO2 In Greenhouses Integrated Into Biogas-To-Electricity Systems That Use Agricultural Wastes: An Integrated Model Approach- A Rewiev

Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2019     |     PP. 1-16      |     PDF (391 K)    |     Pub. Date: March 24, 2019
DOI:    344 Downloads     6947 Views  


Jülide Erkmen, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kafkas University, TURKEY

Along with the increasing world population and advancing technology, energy needs increase with each passing day and, consequently, necessitate the search for new energy sources. Increasing energy production has led to environmental pollution that has reached levels that threaten human health. This study proposes a model that can be used to reduce the hazardous waste of a biogas-to-electricity facility. The study suggests utilization of waste CO2 as a fertilizer and the heat of the waste gas to heat the system as means to avoid energy loss and to reduce harm to the environment. To provide ease of application to mass and energy wastes, in addition to the biogas unit, a greenhouse integrated model was proposed. A green engineering project that uses the maximum amount of natural resources, consumes minimum energy, and obtains maximum mass conversion was presented.

Biogas, Energy, Waste Heat, CO2, Greenhouse

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Jülide Erkmen, Utilization of Waste Heat And CO2 In Greenhouses Integrated Into Biogas-To-Electricity Systems That Use Agricultural Wastes: An Integrated Model Approach- A Rewiev , SCIREA Journal of Environment. Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2019 | PP. 1-16.


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