Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2021     |     PP. 393-403      |     PDF (543 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 23, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/sociology84699    65 Downloads     4856 Views  


Zaur Imrani Tahir, The Institute of Geography after academician H.Aliyev, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Baku, Azerbaijan.
Shakar Mammadova Idayat, Baku State University. Baku, Azerbaijan.
Ulker Babayeva Allahyar, Lankaran State University/ Lankaran, Azerbaijan.

The intensive use of natural resources in modern times has led to several eco-geographical problems, the solution of which is possible through the interaction of science and technology. Because the constant growth of the population leads to an increase in socio-economic needs. At the same time, the use of nature becomes more intensive, and as a result, the amount of damage to the environment increases and its area expands. From this point of view, it is very important to study any research area in an eco-geographical direction on a scientific and methodological basis.
In the Lankaran physical-geographical region we studied, the elements of the natural environment have undergone biological, physical and chemical changes as a result of human life and economic activity, and there is a need for nature protection. These include environmental facilities, ie settlements, industrial zones, agricultural areas, roads, recreation facilities, etc. belongs to. These factors cause eco-geographical problems in certain areas and require solutions. From this point of view, the article examines the current eco-geographical situation of Lankaran physical-geographical region and groups the ecologically tense zones of the region. Eco-geographical stress zones are grouped into three categories - areas with low, moderate and high levels of environmental damage, and each zone includes settlements and their surrounding areas. 
As a result of the study of the eco-geographical situation and the grouping of ecologically tense zones, the “Eco-geographical map of Lankaran physical-geographical region” was compiled. The map shows the development of the light industry, food industry, fisheries, agriculture and tourism, which are some of the main objectives. 

ecogeography, ecological stress zones, ecological damage, grouping, environment, pollution

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Zaur Imrani Tahir, Shakar Mammadova Idayat, Ulker Babayeva Allahyar, RESEARCH OF ECO-GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION OF LANKARAN PHYSICAL-GEOGRAPHICAL REGION AND GROUPING OF ECOLOGICALLY TENSE ZONES , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2021 | PP. 393-403. 10.54647/sociology84699


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