A Model for Evaluating Cloud Computing Benefit for Small Business: Extending DeLone and McLean into the Cloud Era

Volume 5, Issue 4, August 2021     |     PP. 40-67      |     PDF (482 K)    |     Pub. Date: August 29, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/isss12148    90 Downloads     5426 Views  


Charles Flack, Network Transformation Consulting, Smyrna, GA, USA
Pamila Dembla, Information Systems, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA

Cloud computing is a new 21st century computing paradigm to provide a diversity of computational services based on a pay-as-you-go, shared service model for all business types across various industry segments. Information system (IS) success has been extensively researched to frame key attributes of an information system or technology to understand its benefit to business. One definition of IS success is the adoption and extensive use of an information system. In the present era of cloud computing, as in former IS eras, successful implementation is critical for achieving business success in all enterprise types. IS success is also described as a lagging multifaceted measure of technology effectiveness for a business. Early adopters of a new technology are a rich resource to determine benefits for later adopters, and this is true for those businesses looking to implement cloud computing. Cloud computing provides clear and definitive business value, and competitive advantages beyond what small business can build on their own, with measurable net benefit. Based on a parsimonious version of DeLone and McLean IS Success Model, the authors of this study have developed a model to evaluate the experiences of small business cloud computing users. The purpose of this model is to define for essential constructs that focuses on the overall cloud quality and experiences that are related to one single dependent construct that assesses the net benefits of cloud computing for small businesses.

Cloud computing, DeLone and McLean IS Success Model, small businesses

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Charles Flack, Pamila Dembla, A Model for Evaluating Cloud Computing Benefit for Small Business: Extending DeLone and McLean into the Cloud Era , SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science. Volume 5, Issue 4, August 2021 | PP. 40-67. 10.54647/isss12148


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