The difficult path of startups towards becoming middle-size firms: the case of entrepreneurial learning in Québec’s multimedia-IT firms.

Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2018     |     PP. 1-27      |     PDF (461 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 24, 2018
DOI:    400 Downloads     7527 Views  


Louis Rhéaume, PhD, Tutor and Researcher, ESA, TELUQ University and Consultant, Infocom Intelligence,;
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, PhD, Professor, ESA, TELUQ University,

SMEs and their growth are critical to the prosperity of economies around the world and our research tried to determine the factors which explain the growth of these firms. Our research questions are the following: How is it possible to develop more middle-size firms in the Québec MM-IT sector? And how can the competitiveness of Québec’s startup MM-IT sector be improved? We provide a SWOT analysis of the measures to improve the competitiveness of Québec’s MM-IT sector in order to support growth of SMEs. We wanted a global perspective of the Québec’s startup multimedia-IT ecosystem, so we also interviewed some large firms, support organizations, governmental officials and professional organizations.On the basis of a literature review of relevant reports on Québec entrepreneurship and innovation and relevant key scientific papers, we drew up an interview guide and conducted 30 semi-directed interviews. We then made a thematic analysis and a synthesis of the results, underlining the most important quotes on each theme and research question. Based on a literary review of academic and professional studies combined with analysis of interviews with 30 actors, we suggest nine main implications for policy and practice.

startup, SME, middle-size firms, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, innovation, multimedia, IT, sector, competitiveness, Québec

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Louis Rhéaume, Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, The difficult path of startups towards becoming middle-size firms: the case of entrepreneurial learning in Québec’s multimedia-IT firms. , SCIREA Journal of Management. Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2018 | PP. 1-27.


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