Medical Values from the Perspective of Cultural Tradition and Policy Intervention: Based on Chinese Theories and Empirical Research

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2021     |     PP. 1-30      |     PDF (343 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 18, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/pmh33130    98 Downloads     4909 Views  


Huan Liu, School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hang Zhou, China

Background With the development of the medical security system, the problem of "difficult and expensive to see a doctor" has been greatly improved for Chinese residents. But at the same time, the Chinese people's view of value medical care has also taken on a great change, and then transferred to medical treatment behaviors and medical decision-making. In order to reveal the evolution mechanism of medical behavior and decision-making, this paper combines the concept of "taboo disease and taboo medical treatment" under traditional culture environment with the evolution of the medical concept under the protection of policies, and explores the impact of the two on transforming the concept of value medical treatment, establishing more scientific disease diagnosis and health concept.
Methods Based on the data of the Chinese Health Service Survey and the CLHLS survey database, this paper empirically tests the impact of traditional culture environment and policy protection on value medical care from the perspective of disease occurrence and the laws of life course.
Results The results show that cultural tradition environments have a greater impact on the medical values of urban residents than that of rural residents, and the income level has significantly increased the level of medical expenditures one month before the end of life. After the instrumental variables are processed, the income level has no significant effect on the death probability of the elderly in medical institutions. Borne by the spouse or children living together or subsidized by the state or collective, the elderly who have no money to pay for the medical consumption will have a significantly lower medical expenses in the month before death.
Conclusions The article explores the importance of constructing effective health management policies and medical consumption guidance from two aspects of health value concept and value medical treatment, in order to promote people to form better medical consumption habits and health management concepts .

Disease; Life Course; Traditional Culture Environment; Policy Protection; Value Medicine

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Huan Liu, Medical Values from the Perspective of Cultural Tradition and Policy Intervention: Based on Chinese Theories and Empirical Research , SCIREA Journal of Health. Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2021 | PP. 1-30. 10.54647/pmh33130


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