Principles of the structural organization of the human heart

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2021     |     PP. 1-10      |     PDF (140 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 4, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/pm31109    138 Downloads     5304 Views  


Spirina G.A., Ural State Medical University, Department of Human Anatomy, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

One of the important areas of research in biological development is the study of the laws and algorithms of organ shaping. The phenomenon of symmetry in the forms of biological bodies is considered as the main provision on the existence of specific laws of morphogenesis. A morphometric study of the parameters of the heart, parts of the ventricles, and parts of the interventricular septum was carried out on 545 human heart preparations (from fetuses of 12-32 weeks to the age of 90 years). It has been established that two types of proportions are realized in the structure of the heart: affine (simple) relations of two anatomical dimensions of the heart chambers and Wurf proportions. The laws of conformal symmetry are manifested in all age periods and not only in the relationship between the external parameters of the heart, but also in the relationship of anatomical structures inside the heart chambers. The presented data on the subordination of the anatomical structures of the heart to the laws of conformal symmetry should be considered in close connection with their individual and age-related variability.

heart, structural organization, conformal symmetry.

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Spirina G.A., Principles of the structural organization of the human heart , SCIREA Journal of Medicine. Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2021 | PP. 1-10. 10.54647/pm31109


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