Spatio-temporal dynamics of the ecosystems of the Six Forages sylvopastoral reserve (Ferlo, North-Senegal)

Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2020     |     PP. 50-75      |     PDF (1072 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 12, 2020
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SYLLA D., Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Cheikh Anta DIOP Avenue, BP 5005, Dakar, Fann, Senegal; Ecological Monitoring Centre for Natural Resource Management, Résidence Fann, Rue Léon Gontran Damas, BP 15532, DAKAR, FANN, SENEGAL
BA T., Ecological Monitoring Centre for Natural Resource Management, Résidence Fann, Rue Léon Gontran Damas, BP 15532, DAKAR, FANN, SENEGAL
SARR O, Ecological Monitoring Centre for Natural Resource Management, Résidence Fann, Rue Léon Gontran Damas, BP 15532, DAKAR, FANN, SENEGAL
SAGNA M. B., Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Cheikh Anta DIOP Avenue, BP 5005, Dakar, Fann, Senegal; Observatoire Hommes-Milieux international (OHMi) Tessékéré, Ferlo, Senegal
SARR M. A., Ecological Monitoring Centre for Natural Resource Management, Résidence Fann, Rue Léon Gontran Damas, BP 15532, DAKAR, FANN, SENEGAL
GUISSE A., Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Cheikh Anta DIOP Avenue, BP 5005, Dakar, Fann, Senegal; Observatoire Hommes-Milieux international (OHMi) Tessékéré, Ferlo, Senegal; UMI 3189 "Environnement, Santé, Sociétés" UGB, UCAD, CNRS, CNRST, USTTB, Dakar, Senegal

Aim : This study focuses on the spatio-temporal dynamics of the ecosystems between 1965 to 2017.
Location : sylvopastoral reserve of the six Ferlo boreholes in Senegal
Methods : The methodological approach consists in delineating and mapping land cover in the reserve, in 1965 and 2017 and, analyzing changes during this period using remote sensing techniques and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Results : The results obtained show the identification of 10 land-use patterns in the reserve for the year 2017: savannah woodland, shrub savannah with tree, shrub savannah, shrub steppe with tree, shrub steppe, vegetable crop rainfall, village, pond, bare soil, tree plantation. In addition to savannah with tree, all these classes are present in 1965, except for the "tree plantation" class. The zones of shrub savannah and shrub steppe and shrub steppe with tree gradually changed between these dates, while the zones of shrub savannah with tree decreased. The areas occupied by savannah with tree disappeared completely. Analysis of changes between 1965 and 2017 showed that 19.71% of the reserve area remained in its original state, 70.58% was modified and 9.71% was converted.
Main conclusion : This study has been widened to the whole “sylvopastoral reserve” protected area, which will make possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the management plans for protected areas in the Ferlo.

Dynamics, Ecosystem, Ferlo, GIS, Land cover, Senegal, Remote sensing

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SYLLA D., BA T., SARR O, SAGNA M. B., SARR M. A., GUISSE A., Spatio-temporal dynamics of the ecosystems of the Six Forages sylvopastoral reserve (Ferlo, North-Senegal) , SCIREA Journal of Geosciences. Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2020 | PP. 50-75.


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