Emerging pollutants and heavy metals into Spanish sanitation: a case study

Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2017     |     PP. 1-10      |     PDF (472 K)    |     Pub. Date: March 2, 2017
DOI:    349 Downloads     7003 Views  


Rafael Marín Galvín, Empresa Municipal de Aguas de Córdoba, S.A.; C/De los Plateros, 1. E-14012-Córdoba (Spain)
José Miguel Rodríguez Mellado, Dpto. de Química Física y Termodinámica Aplicada. CeiA3, Campus Universitario Rabanales, IUIQFN, Edificio Marie Curie. Universidad de Córdoba. E-14014-Córdoba (Spain)

Emerging pollutants in urban waste water has increased significantly their levels over the last 15 years having both industrial origin and domestic one. Once these contaminants reach to an urban WWTP, in most cases operated by aerobic biological process, the treatment capacity of these effluents therein suffers greatly. Thus, we have studied the presence of several emerging pollutants and metals in urban waste water from Córdoba (Spain) along 2005-2015; moreover, it has also tested the practical ability of reducing the content of these substances in La Golondrina´s WWTP. The compounds studied were: pesticides, VOCs, THM´s, PAH´s, AOX´s and heavy metals. La Golondrina´s WWTP processed during 2.005-2.015 a mean flow of 25.6 hm3/year: this plant is operated by activated sludge process. Results indicated that the wastewater influent presented 740 g/day of organics which were reduced to 387 g/day in the treated water, with reduction rates depending on compound and ranged from <5% and 83.8%. Almost, wastewater influent presented 92.4 kg/day of heavy metals which were reduced to 35.8 kg/day in the treated water: then, reduction rates depending on metal ranging from -16.7% and 68.9%. Finally, these results are not very different of those obtained in the rest of Spain.

Keywords: Wastewater, WWTP, activated sludge, emerging pollutants, heavy metals.

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Rafael Marín Galvín, José Miguel Rodríguez Mellado, Emerging pollutants and heavy metals into Spanish sanitation: a case study , SCIREA Journal of Environment. Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2017 | PP. 1-10.


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