Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016     |     PP. 1-15      |     PDF (262 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 27, 2016
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Gergana Desheva, Institute of Plant Genetic Resources “Konstantin Malkov”, 2 Druzhba Str., 4122 Sadovo, Bulgaria
Bozhidar Kyosev, Institute of Plant Genetic Resources “Konstantin Malkov”, 2 Druzhba Str., 4122 Sadovo, Bulgaria

The knowledge about of genetic diversity of einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) genotypes is a key to reliable and sustainable production of the food crops adapted to diverse conditions. Twenty two einkorn accessions from the National genebank of Bulgaria were carried out in the experimental field of IPGR-Sadovo, Bulgaria during 2013-2015 growing seasons. Twelve agronomical traits were included in the study. Significant genotypic differences were observed for all studied traits indicating considerable variations among genotypes for each character. Grain yield per plant correlated positively with thousand kernel weight and grain weight per spike. The results from stepwise regression analysis showed that grain weight per spike and number of productive tillers per plant had justified approximately 72% of grain yield variations. Principal Component analysis was applied to group accessions according to similarity on the basis of twelve traits in five components in the factor plane. The first five components explained 82.32% of total variation in the experiment. Cluster analysis based on the five factors grouped the genotypes into four groups. Genotypes in the fourth cluster had the highest mean with respect to first factor. Members of this group can use for increase in number of grain per spike, thousand grain weight and grain yield per plant in breeding programs.

einkorn, genetic diversity, correlation, stepwise regression, PC-analysis

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