Study of the characteristic features of the strongest broadening of the EPR signal in polystyrene-based polymer compositions

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2020     |     PP. 1-11      |     PDF (424 K)    |     Pub. Date: March 9, 2020
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Umarov A.V., Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers,Uzbekistan
Kamalova D., State Unitary Enterprise “Fan va Taraqqiyot” , Uzbekistan

A composite material based on polystyrene with the addition of microparticles of soot has been developed. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra were studied

composite material, polystyrene, microparticles of soot, electron paramagnetic resonance, X-ray fluorescence analysis, paramagnetic centers

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Umarov A.V., Kamalova D., Study of the characteristic features of the strongest broadening of the EPR signal in polystyrene-based polymer compositions , SCIREA Journal of Chemistry. Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2020 | PP. 1-11.


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