Risk allocation in housing development: A cross-national comparison between Sweden and China

Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016     |     PP. 1-17      |     PDF (214 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 1, 2016
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Yongzhou Hou, Central University of Finance and Ecoomics
Hans Lind, Central University of Finance and Ecoomics

The recent global financial crisis points to the importance of the allocation of risks among different housing market actors. The purpose of the paper is to provide taxonomy for identifying and comparing the allocation of risks typically in China and Sweden during housing development and ownership. The risk assessments are based on a number of research reports and our direct knowledge concerning the typical situations in Sweden and China. The main findings are as follows. The banks and governments appear to take more risks in China, especially as the Chinese developers have a weaker financial situation than in Sweden. Political risks are higher in Sweden as the planning process gives the citizens a number of opportunities to appeal against government decisions. It is argued that these differences can be related to the higher priority given to housing construction in China.

Risk, Housing Development, China, Sweden.

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Yongzhou Hou, Hans Lind, Risk allocation in housing development: A cross-national comparison between Sweden and China , SCIREA Journal of Civil Engineering and Building Construction . Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016 | PP. 1-17.


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