Early Alert Report Communicates Grades for Students At Risk

Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2019     |     PP. 159-166      |     PDF (180 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 25, 2019
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Karen Reynolds, Hawkeye Community College, USA

Retention is an ongoing challenge and goal for many colleges during these economic times. Early alert systems can have an impact on retention by making students aware of their academic progress at a mid-point in the term, and by providing resources that may help students before it is too late in the term. However, not all early alert systems are the same, and vary greatly in their approach, campus resources, reasons, technology and terminology. This study identifies the most common characteristics from timing, methods of follow-up to media, and people involved. In addition, to encourage faculty participation in the early alert report, faculty incentives and repercussions are surveyed for completing or not completing the early alert report for community colleges in one Midwest state. Find out the options and what are the most common practices for utilizing the early alert system.

at risk, student retention in college, impact of grades, identify and intervene, communication

Cite this paper
Karen Reynolds, Early Alert Report Communicates Grades for Students At Risk , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2019 | PP. 159-166.


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