From Integrated Capitalism to Disintegrating Capitalism.Scenarios of a Third World War

Volume 3, Issue 3, June 2019     |     PP. 102-128      |     PDF (547 K)    |     Pub. Date: August 20, 2019
DOI:    239 Downloads     6224 Views  


Hardy Hanappi, Institute 105-3 Economics,University of Technology Vienna,Wiedner Hauptstrasse 6-8, A-1040, Vienna, Austria; VIPER - Vienna Institute for Political Economy Research (e.V. in Austria),Fasangartengasse 61,A-1130, Vienna, Austria

In the last decade, significant changes in capitalism are appearing, it entered a new stage. After the political breakdown of Feudalism in World War 1 a stage of capitalism that aimed at the integration of all parts of society was slowly developing. 15 years later the authoritarian regimes of national socialism, Fascism, intermitted the evolution of Integrated Capitalism. Since 1945 it flourished again, though its political governance on a global level in recent decades ran into more and more contradictions. After the deep economic crisis of 2008 a turning point towards authoritarian governance of capitalism - in particular in the USA - is evident. Since this type of new nationalist authoritarian capitalism destroys global integration it is called Disintegrating Capitalism. An immediate consequence of the global contradiction between worldwide interwoven production processes and rivalries between nationalist regimes is a rapidly rising danger of a third World War. The second, more speculative part of the paper explores possible forms, which this WW3 could take on. A conclusion provides some ideas on possibilities to react to war tensions.

Global Political Economy, Capitalism, World War 3

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Hardy Hanappi, From Integrated Capitalism to Disintegrating Capitalism.Scenarios of a Third World War , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 3, Issue 3, June 2019 | PP. 102-128.


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