How to Reduce Anxiety as a Result the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2023     |     PP. 46-55      |     PDF (190 K)    |     Pub. Date: December 19, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/pmh330314    40 Downloads     112274 Views  


Linda Dwi Novial Fitri, Atma Husada Mahakam, Psychiatric Hospital, Samarinda; Borneo Mental Health Nursing, Independent Nursing Practice, Samarinda
Adhies Satya Putra, Intraina Jaya Mandiri, Health Education and Training Development Center, Samarinda
Iskandar Iskandar, IKIP PGRI, Faculty Sport Science, Samarinda

Background: The negative impact felt by the community from this disaster like a COVID-19 pandemic also led to changes in health conditions, both physical and mental. People are anxious when they have to stay at home, they are afraid when doing activities, let alone having to undergo independent isolation at home. Anxiety needs to be managed appropriately in order to increase a person's physical endurance. One way that can be done is with an affirmation positive. This technique aims to reduce anxiety so that it has a relaxing effect on a person and they become increases immunity. This study purposed to analyze the effect of the affirmation positive technique on the anxiety experienced by persons during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Nursing Practice in Samarinda City. Method: Use a quantitative with cross-sectional design. One group of pre and post-tests was designed to determine the effect of the affirmation on the anxiety during the 10-15 minutes and followed up once after 14 days. A sample of 35 people using an accidental sampling technique with inclusion criteria above 18 years of age and conducting consultations through online media. The instrument used to measure anxiety is HARS. Results of the t-test show p value (0.000 > 0.05) with a mean difference of (36.000 – 33.000) meaning that there is an effect of the affirmation positive technique on reducing personal anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: positive affirmation can be used to reduce the anxiety experienced by people who have an impacted by natural disasters or pandemics.

positive affirmations, reduce anxiety, pandemic Covid-19

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Linda Dwi Novial Fitri, Adhies Satya Putra, Iskandar Iskandar, How to Reduce Anxiety as a Result the Covid-19 Pandemic? , SCIREA Journal of Health. Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2023 | PP. 46-55. 10.54647/pmh330314


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