Viruses and genetics in pregnancy and birth

Volume 8, Issue 5, October 2023     |     PP. 138-158      |     PDF (535 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 30, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/biology180326    63 Downloads     205693 Views  


Čulić Vida, Gynecology and Obstetrics Private Outpatient Clinic, Split, Croatia; Laboratory for Human Genetics, Department of Medical Genetics, Pediatrics Clinic, University Hospital Centre Split, Split, Croatia
Robert Vulić, Gynecology and Obstetrics Private Outpatient Clinic, Split, Croatia
Maja Radman, Clinics for Internal Medicine, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, University Hospital Center Split, Split, Croatia
Tamara Bošnjak, Neonatology Department, Clinics for Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Centre Split, Split, Croatia
Jasminka Rešić Karara, Clinics for Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Centre Split, Split, Croatia
Maria Lopatkina, Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Tomsk, Russia
Igor Lebedev, Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Tomsk, Russia

In this study we presented several patients with genital infections during pregnancy, perinatal infection, de novo genetics syndromes, sterility problems and spontaneous abortions with HSV1, HSV2, CMV, Adeno, Parvo B19, RSV, EBV and Coxsackie virus. Spontaneous abortion were provoked (or at least associated) with viral infection. For some we had expected such pregnancy outcomes, and for some we observed chromosome breaks that by repetitive screening, after cessation of acute viral infection, could no longer been seen. Nonspecific chromosomal aberrations were associated with HSV type 2, herpes zoster and Ebstein Barr virus infection.
EBV is a causative agent of autoimmune entities were polyclonality in serological findings is present, we are searching for the same answer in the cause of spontaneous abortion with or without chromosomes abnormalities with atypical serology values of those viruses at both partners.

chromosome breakage, viruses, perinatal infections, spontaneous abortions

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Čulić Vida, Robert Vulić, Maja Radman, Tamara Bošnjak, Jasminka Rešić Karara, Maria Lopatkina, Igor Lebedev, Viruses and genetics in pregnancy and birth , SCIREA Journal of Biology. Volume 8, Issue 5, October 2023 | PP. 138-158. 10.54647/biology180326


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